Steps for user migration from former guifi·net to
Prepare a fresh instance
Over an already existing installationation, open a shell and move to the web directory,
Remove styles
sudo rm -f sites/default/files/css/*
Initialize database
drush site:install --yes
Take the admin password just created, and login with the wen browser to the website.
Install migrate manifest module
composer require drupal/migrate_manifest
drush en migrate_manifest
Create manifest
At the web root directory, create the file
# user
- d6_user
- d6_user_profile_field
- d6_user_profile_field_instance
- d6_user_profile_entity_display
- d6_user_profile_entity_form_display
- d6_profile_values:user
- d6_filter_format
- d6_user_role
- d6_user_picture_entity_display
- d6_user_picture_entity_form_display
- d6_user_picture_file
- d6_user_picture_field
- d6_user_picture_field_instance